czwartek, 26 czerwca 2014

Godfire by Platige and Vivid Games

Just recently Platige Image and Vivid Games cocreated a mobile game called Godfire. The game prooves to be very succesful on Apple App Store and is about to come to Android devices as well. I had a small input in the beginning of the game's production - doing the horned Minion model and his gear (visible here on the top image).

And here is the cinematic animation for the game:

For more info just click on the links below:

poniedziałek, 23 czerwca 2014

End User Event


Sorry to write this info so late but it's been a busy time since I got back... from End User Event in Utrecht :)

It was a great pleasure for Klaudiusz Wesołowski and me, to represent Platige Image at the event. We had a making of talk about face scanning and character modeling in the company's pipeline. The talk was based on cinematics Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Nitro Nation projects. And of course We also had much fun at the event. It was so well organised - Joep, Michiel and Stefan did a tremendous job preparing and hosting it. We met really interesting and passionate people, We listened to many absorbing lectures and learned a lot.

Thank you for the very warm welcome, EUE is definitely an event long to be remembered :)

here is the official site of End User Event:

And here are some photos:

Main event place - Florin

The inspiring city of Utrecht

And of course as character modeleres, We wouldn't miss the Madamme Tussauds Wax Figures Museum in Amsterdam :)
